This delightful lidded woven Christmas basket is bursting with little luxuries! With a selection of sweet and savoury treats, from an Chocolaterie Roose Ballotin Belgian Chocolates to Ethernal Grocer Luxury Fruit & Nut Mix, this hamper represents exceptional value for money.
This hamper contains 7 items .
Eternal Grocer Spiced Fruit Biscuits 100g, Nevis Bakery Iced Fruit Cake Slices 4’s, Radfords Vanilla Fudge 85g,
Cocoabean Handmade Chocolate Mints 9’s, Eternal Grocer Chocolate Coated Nuts & Raisins 175g, Thursday Cottage Raspberry
Preserve 112g, Sally Williams Award Winning Roasted Almond Nougat 50g. Packed into a Red Foldable Woven Gift Basket.
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